National Black Police Association, Westchester Chapter, Westchester Blacks In Law Enforcment

As civil service officers, it is our duty to uphold the laws of the state of New York. However, as natural leaders it is our moral, ethical, and human duty to reach and teach our families and youth by providing increased involvement and support thereby enriching lives and enhancing our communities.

Monday, October 26, 2009

County Executive Andy Spano clueless that County Law Enforcement Professionals Working without Labor Contract Since 2006

In the debate Wednesday night, October 21, 2010, our County Executive Andy Spano was asked a question about unsettled contracts between County Police and Correction Unions. His response was like an old man not recalling where he put his car keys. He couldn’t recollect if the contracts was settled. The question we must as citizens and law enforcement professionals, is this really what we need as the head executor of our county government for another Four Years? A man that does not recall if labor contracts for county employees are settled and up to date. Maybe Mr. Spano didn’t get the memo; there is no settlement.

Our County Executive can remember that according to Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s rating the County’s fiscal stability rating is AAA. He can remember to brag about the Department of Corrections operating at the highest standards in the nation and being at the top two percent in the nation. Its total hypocrisy that he cant remember that the County hasn’t settled its labor contracts with these same hard working law enforcement officers since 2006.

Westchester County law enforcement professionals have been diligent in their duty to serve and protect its citizens. They have performed admirably while often under the strain of being wounded in the line of duty or having a partner killed or injured. There are Correction Officers who single-handedly supervises a housing area of 40-60 inmates. Officers continue to be exposed to deadly diseases like AIDS, Staph infections like MRSA, Hepatitis and now H1N1 virus. It is not unusual for officers to be assaulted by inmates or with bodily fluids. But with no contract in sight, the county executive having a senior moment, the question remains: while we are protecting the public, who is protecting us?

Westchester County Law enforcement workers have worked tirelessly over the years to maintain law and order in the County. Yet, both Police and Correction Officers have not had a raise since 2006.

According to a recent article in the NY Daily News (11/1/08), NYC correction officers will receive an decent pay raise over the next two years. In addition, they will get another raise to match what police recently secured. The contract, which extends to 2011, also restores monies to the city pays annually to individual members' annuity funds and contributions per member to its legal representation fund.

The NYC Department of Corrections is not accredited by the American Correction Association. But in Westchester, the department of corrections received National Accreditation from the American Correction Association in January 2009. This means that the Norwood E. Jackson Correctional Facility Correction Officers operate at the highest standards in the nation.

It is clear that law enforcement professionals in NYC have a strong base of support; they have people protecting them; officials who understand what they do; and they have a strong union.

Unfortunately in Westchester, we have no one to protect us while we protect and serve. There seems to be no respect for officers that sacrifice their time and family and put their lives on the line. Maybe sometime soon Andy Spano will remember and care enough to ratify and show respect to the hard working Correction and Police officers who have work diligently and sacrificed time and family to protect and serve the citizens of Westchester County. Since he keeps forgetting, and its been since 2006, maybe not!

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